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16 July 2014 By Elaine Murphy elaine@TheCork.ie A Cork politician has spoken publicly for the first time about how she was born in a mother and baby home, and then went on to visit the same institution 17 years later when she became pregnant. Yoghal based County Cllr Mary Linehan-Foley spoke about her own experiences... Read More
12th July 2014 By Bryan Smyth bryan@TheCork.ie A Former Lord Mayor of Cork City has been elected chairman of the HSE South Regional Health Forum. The forum is a place where elected Councillors from across Munster have the chance to put questions to HSE officials. Many topical issues are raised throughout the year including: progress... Read More
5 June 2012 By Elaine Murphy elaine@TheCork.ie Cork businessman David O’Sullivan has launched an innovative travelling/mobile service for his role as a Commissioner for Oaths. The service makes life easier for anybody who needs to have legal documentation witnessed/executed. On the website, David wrote: “You may have a document that needs the signature from a Commissioner... Read More
4 October 2010 By Bryan T. Smyth bryan@TheCork.ie The North Cork Enterprise Board North will hold a Business Information and Speed Networking Evening for local Business Owners, on: Wednesday 13th October 2010 In Mallow GAA Complex At 6.30 p.m. admission is free ” Speed networking ” involves delegates having short 3 minute conversations with otherindividuals... Read More