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Speaking after his re-election at Cork Chamber’s 193rd Annual General Meeting, held in the Imperial Hotel today (14/05/2012), Chamber President Mr. John Mullins outlined his priorities for his second 12 month term of office and congratulated Ms. Gillian Keating on her election as Vice President of Cork Chamber. Addressing the meeting Mr. Mullins said, “We... Read More
In 2009 there were 2,955 traffic collisions involving material damage on Cork’s roads but new figures released by the Central Bank last week reveal a significant overall reduction in the number and expense of motor insurance claims cost. Infrastructure improvements and a noticeably more cautious motoring public are having a positive impact on the level... Read More
An Post has begun delivering the Government’s information booklet “The Stability Treaty – Your Guide to every household in the country today” Households in the Midlands, South and parts of Leinster will be the first to receive the bi-lingual booklet and deliveries will continue over the next two weeks. Delivery will get under way in... Read More
Harbour Flights Ireland Ltd are pleased to announce the granting from An Bord Pleanála on Friday the 20th of April 2012 (PL 30.238600 -10/106) full planning approval for its sea plane base in Limerick City. This particular planning application has taken over 22 months and marks the end of Harbour Flights first phase of planning... Read More
Wet and windy weather is on it’s way to Cork from tomorrow. Met Eireann is predicting gale force winds, and high rainfall of between 20 to 30 milli-metres from Wednesday morning. Counties Kerry, Waterford, Wexford and all of Leinster will also be affected. The “monsoon-like” weather should pass by Thursday night, but the two days... Read More
This coming weekend in Cobh Co. Cork, the Titanic’s last port of call, will be one of remembrance and commemoration as the town looks back a century to The Titanic and the people associated with her and pays respect with a number of tributes. A Search and Rescue extravaganza display by the Irish Coast Guard... Read More
Since 2005 the numbers of people being killed on Ireland’s roads has been decreasing year by year culminating in less than 200 people losing their lives in 2011, the lowest figure since records began in 1959. An Garda Síochána want to acknowledge the change in road user behaviour that has brought this trend about but... Read More
There have been no sightings of actor George clooney in cobh… despite rumours on social networks in recent days We asked these people on the streets if they had seen the Hollywood star 2012-04-11_12-59.wav
A motion at Bandon Town Council inviting Mr Declan Waugh to attend the May Town Council Meeting was passed at the April meeting. Declan Waugh will present the findings of his recent report titled “Human Toxicity, Environmental Impact and Legal Implications of Water Fluoridation” on May 8th 2012, at 6.30pm at the Council Chamber. The... Read More