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14 April 2017 By Bryan Smyth bryan@TheCork.ie The Cork Region of the Workers’ Party will hold its annual Easter 1916 Commemoration this Sunday (Easter Sunday), 16th April at 12.00 Noon. The Commemoration will take place at the Republican Plot at St. Finbarr’s Cemetery, Glasheen Road. This year’s oration will be delivered by Mayfield based Karen... Read More
3 February 2017 By Bryan Smyth bryan@TheCork.ie The Workers’ Party in Cork have launched a campaign to fight proposed cuts at Bus Éireann and to oppose government and management plans to – in the words of the party – “privatise the company or hand the most profitable routes over to private competitors” The Workers’ Party... Read More
9 January 2017 By Elaine Murphy elaine@TheCork.ie Cork City Council will tonight debate a motion calling for a 15% increase in the eligibility threshold to qualify for local authority social housing. The motion, proposed by Workers’ Party Councillor Ted Tynan calls on the government to allow those whose gross income is slightly above the current... Read More
21 November 2016 By Bryan T. Smyth bryan@TheCork.ie 6723 young people in Cork have turned 18 since last year and will have right to vote The National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) is encouraging young people in County Cork to make sure they are registered to vote before the deadline for inclusion on the electoral... Read More