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Category / EDUCATION
21 October 2015 By Elaine Murphy elaine@TheCork.ie Speaking from the Dáil today Deputy Jonathan O’Brien, Sinn Féin Education Spokesperson called on the Minister for Education and Skills to move swiftly to bring forward legislation ensuring that children are not discriminated against in school admission on the basis of their religion. Deputy O’Brien said; “Today I... Read More
19 October 2015 By Tom Collins tom@TheCork.ie Belgooly engineer Anthony Heery has been shortlisted for the ‘Chartered Engineer of the Year Award’, sponsored by Arup, as part of the national Engineers Ireland Excellence Awards 2015, it has been announced. Heery has been recognised for his project which focuses on developing better performance in Offshore Wind... Read More
19 October 2015 By Bryan T. Smyth bryan@TheCork.ie Cork Training Centre (CTC) recently presented more than 450 certificates to learners graduating from across 23 training courses including Life Sciences, Beauty Therapy, I.T. Maintenance, Warehouse Operations, Security and Computer Literacy. Approximately 5000 people train, retrain or upskill each year at the Cork Training Centre either in... Read More
14 October 2015 By Bryan T. Smyth bryan@TheCork.ie “Many students have the talent and aptitude to study engineering, science, technology, and computing” That’s what Michael Loftus, Head of Faculty of Engineering & Science at Cork Institute of Technology told TheCork.ie. Mr Loftus, a Chartered Engineer and Member of the Irish Computer Society, who worked in... Read More
13 October 2015 By Bryan T. Smyth bryan@TheCork.ie 4 Days, 60 speakers, 2000 attendees… 1 inspirational location Ireland’s first ever National Digital Week will take place from November 3-8 in Skibbereen, West Cork, with over 2,000 entrepreneurs, digital marketers, technology enthusiasts and those embarking on a digital journey, expected to attend. ‘National Digital Week’ aims... Read More
5 October 2015 By Elaine Murphy elaine@TheCork.ie The Mayor of the County of Cork Cllr. John Paul O’ Shea has warmly welcomed the announcement that University College Cork (UCC) has been named University of the Year and Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) as Institute of Technology of the Year. CIT takes the title for a... Read More
1 October 2015 By Elaine Murphy elaine@TheCork.ie Speaking today following a meeting with parents whose children cannot access school places as they are not baptised, Sinn Féin Education Spokesperson Deputy Jonathan O’Brien called on the Minister for Education and Skills to move immediately to repeal the legislation that allows this to take place. The Cork... Read More
14 September 2015 By Bryan Smyth bryan@TheCork.ie Over a quarter of parents in Ireland (28%) are expected to pay more than €200 per child in primary school voluntary contributions, new research by Bytek Managed Print Specialists, in association with Epson, has revealed. As parents many struggle with the costs of sending their children to school... Read More