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Category / FARMING
14 October 2018, Sunday By Elaine Murphy elaine@TheCork.ie On Friday Mayor of Cork County, Patrick Gerard Murphy warmly welcomed the official launch of the VistaMilk Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Research Centre at Teagasc Moorepark, as one of the partners to VistaMilk. According to Tim Lucey, Chief Executive, Cork County Council, “As a strong advocate and... Read More
10 September 2018 By Bryan Smyth bryan@TheCork.ie ‘Cork is the true home of Food and Agriculture” – That’s the message being underpinned by the offering of an exciting new Agricultural Science degree at University College Cork, in collaboration with Teagasc. The innovative new Agricultural Science degree, which is delivered in partnership with Teagasc, will emphasize... Read More
26 August 2018 By Mary Bermingham mary@TheCork.ie Fine Gael Senator and member of the joint Oireachtas Agriculture committee, Tim Lombard, has confirmed that over €4 million has been allocated to a new Fodder Import Support measure. Senator Lombard said: “‘In light of the recent severe drought conditions and their impact on an already difficult fodder... Read More