9 January 2019
By Mary Bermingham
Cork City Council is set to take over the operations of the Homeless Persons Unit from the Department of Social Protection this month.
Brian Geaney, Director of Services, Housing and Community has today confirmed that Cork City Council’s Housing Directorate is set to take over the operation of the Homeless Persons Unit from the Department of Employment Affairs & Social Protection this month.
As part of a range of initiatives in the Homeless services area, including the opening of the Family Hub and the introduction of a Housing First service, Cork City Council will take over the day to day management of the unit from Monday 21 January. The service will initially be provided in Cork City Council’s Civic Offices (located on Anglesea Street).
A more suitable City Centre premises to accommodate this unit is being sourced and will be fitted out over the next number of weeks, after which time the Homeless Persons Unit will be operated permanently from there.
This intervention by the Council will result in the provision of an improved, modern facility for persons presenting as Homeless in the city.

Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. Mick Finn said: “While acknowledging that the provision of additional housing – driven by national government as well as local – is the key to solving homelessness, the provision of better services in a better building to address short and medium-term problems faced by people is welcome. Councillors have called for better facilities and I’m glad to see the Housing Department has acted upon those requests.”