22 March 2020
By Elaine Murphy
Do you have a document that states it requires the signature of a: Commissioner for Oaths / Peace Commissioner / Notary Public / Practising Solicitor? There is one Cork service that will suit your needs.
If you have an Affidavit or Statutory Declaration it may appear that you simply need a signature, or an autograph,! but there is more to it than that. A Commissioner for Oaths is a person appointed by the Chief Justice to ensure that certain processes are followed before signing a document. The purpose of the signature is to confirm that the processes were followed,
David O’Sullivan is a well-known Commissioner for Oaths in Cork, having been appointed a decade ago in 2008. He operates the convenient and reliable CommissionerForOaths.ie service in Cork City and suburbs.
What are the advantages of using the Cork-based CommissionerForOaths.ie service?
1. We travel to you – This is convenient and saves your valuable time, and hassle
2. We are available Evenings and weekends – so you don’t need to take time off work
3. We accept Cash, and can also accept Cards – Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and PayPal
4. We provide receipts – which is very useful for business customers
5. We have years of experience, and will most likely have seen your type of document before, so we may be able to help you avoid common pitfalls
6. Our service is provided by an Irish born native English speaker, with lifelong experience of Irish authorities – so we have an understanding of various systems, are more likely to spot certain errors on your document
7. Personal service – You can speak with our principal directly whenever you wish. You will not have to deal with a Switchboard, nor explain who you are to a Secretary
8. We carry proof that we are a Commissioner for Oaths – You can inspect our credentials in the form of our Supreme Court Certificate of Appointment and Personal Passport. We are also established so long that we own the domain names “CommissionerForOaths.ie” along with the extra domains of “CommissionerOfOaths.ie”, “PeaceCommissioner.ie”, “Oaths.ie”, “Affidavit.ie” (those all being terms that customers search for).
9. Document Security
a) Correctly worded rubber stamps – we have a wide range of stamps. This minimises the amount of handwriting on documents.
b) Embossing – We emboss every page that we sign (on most documents) with our seal. Our seal is engraved with our name and jurisdiction, and because we keep strict custody of the seal, this confirms that we personally handled every page. Embossing with our seal also ensures that pages cannot be added or replaced.
c) Brass Eyelet Binding – In some circumstances when you have multiple pages which were signed, and which are all destined for the same receiver, we can permanently attach your documents with a solid brass eyelet. So instead of using an ordinary staple, which can easily be removed, we punch a small 3/16″ hole through the reinforced red legal corner and the documentation. We then insert the brass eyelet through the hole with a special eyeletter device. This clenches the eyelet to a matching washer on the other side. Once set, eyelets are impossible to remove, and your papers become 100% secure. Many others only use staples, but we believe that eyeletting is a far more secure binding method which guards against tampering and fraud. In addition, it is a requirement at certain consulates and embassies.
e) Sharpie Film Marker – Whenever we write on the back of photographs (usually for Citizenship/Naturalisation applications), to avoid smudges, we use a special quick-drying ‘Smear-Guard’ Sharpie marker.
d) Indelible Ink – For most documents we use permanent ink. Permanent ink bonds to paper fibre, and is superior to regular ink in two significant ways:
1) it is tamper proof due to it’s insolubility in water, alcohol, detergent, bleach and solvents;
2) it is waterproof, lightfast and acid free, so signatures do not fade over time. We use DIN ISO 14145-2 Certified Document Ink.
You can make a booking with David O’Sullivan Commissioner for Oaths at www.CommissionerForOaths.ie