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4 April 2024 By Tom Collins tom@TheCork.ie The introduction of the electric truck, named ‘e-moove’, to Dairygold’s fleet is part of Dairygold’s wider decarbonisation and sustainability programme. Dairygold has announced that it is adding an electric truck to its milk collection fleet, making it the first dairy processor in Ireland to do so. The development... Read More
24 February 2024 By Bryan McCarthy bryan@TheCork.ie BirdWatch Ireland in partnership with Cork County Council and the National Parks and Wildlife Service have completed a survey of Barn Owls in the county, the results of which show that the fortunes of this iconic farmland bird appear to be changing, as Barn Owls were recorded in... Read More
21 February 2024 By Bryan McCarthy bryan@TheCork.ie In celebration of National Tree Week 2024, Cork County Council is offering a number of native trees to schools, community groups and organisations. National Tree Week is an initiative of the Tree Council of Ireland and will take place this year from the 3rd to the 10th of... Read More
20 February 2024 By Bryan McCarthy bryan@TheCork.ie Solid fuel use is one of the biggest sources of air pollution in our homes and communities. With roughly 1 in 10 householders in County Cork burning solid fuel as their main source of heating, Cork County Council is reminding householders that only approved fuels should be used... Read More
18 February 2024 By Mary L Bermingham mary@TheCork.ie daa Unveils 20-Point Plan To Accelerate  Dublin, Wednesday, February 7, 2024: daa, the operator of Dublin and Cork airports, recently unveiled details of 20 environmental sustainability initiatives being rolled out at Dublin and Cork Airports, which will accelerate both airports’ climate and sustainability related ambitions, including achieving... Read More
11 January 2024 By Tom Collins tom@TheCork.ie Construction to end frequent Boil Water Notices for East Cork community to commence later this year Uisce Éireann, working in partnership with Cork County Council, are delighted to announce that An Bord Pleanála has upheld planning permission for a new state-of-the-art water treatment facility that will serve just... Read More
8 February 2024 By Tom Collins tom@TheCork.ie Opening comes as new Aldi opens next door A beloved cornerstone in the Carrigaline community, Barry Collins’ SuperValu Carrigaline officially relaunched its store in recent weeks at the end of January. The renovation project was a collaborative effort, with a focus on supporting local businesses, having partnered with... Read More