24 August 2018
By Elaine Murphy

Local Entertainment
Cork’s oldest parish will host the city’s newest event on Saturday (August 25) – the Middle Parish Summer Street Party – a family friendly free fun event featuring a wide variety of musical acts, festival fun events and food.
Starting at 11 am and running until 7 pm the Street Party, open to locals and visitors, is the first of its kind in the Middle Parish and takes place on Henry Street (which will be closed to traffic for the duration) Grattan Street and Corks Public Museum in Fitzgeralds Park. .
A stage will be constructed on Henry Street outside the Mercy Nurse Education Centre close to the junction with Grattan Street and filled with musical entertainment from 2 p.m. onwards.
Musical acts on stage include, the Roaring 40s, The Frank and Walters, mo-town music from The Scheming Catfish, upcoming singer songwriter Peadar O’Callaghan and a variety of traditional music.
For the children no Street Party would be complete without face painting, clowns, children’s teddy bear hospital (bring along your teddies and the Mercy Team will look after the rest!), bouncy castle, balloon modeling, jugglers and other circus acts will be in abundance.
The Street Party is the latest addition to Heritage Week and in keeping with the theme it features a walking tour of the Mercy University Hospital’s Mansion House, the Lord Mayor of Cork’s residence in 1767 and the original 1857 location of Mercy Hospital.
Other historical events include talks and an exhibition of Viking finds as well as a Viking reenactment entitled Cláiomh, meaning shield at the Public Museum in Fitzgerald’s Park, starting at the earlier time of 11 am.
Then at 3pm there is a guided tour of Medieval Cork starting at the Community Centre on Grattan Street commencing and a launch of “In the Shadow of the Wall” by the Deputy Lord Mayor, an exhibition of the history of the Middle Parish from the 18th century to today.
Street food and beverages will be provided on Henry Street with all proceeds being donated to the Mercy Foundation and a community barbecue on Grattan Street.
And the day will conclude at 8 p.m. with a ticket only event at the Community Centre featuring singer songwriter, John Spillane. Tickets cost €15 and are available at Tickets.ie or at the door, if still available.
The organisers, comprising representatives of every aspect of the local community from Mercy University Hospital, Cork City Council and the Gardai to business and community members, stress the emphasis is on family fun.
Cork City Council have appointed Goldie Fish to manage the event and volunteers along with Mercy University Hospital security and other staff will help steward the event.
Road closures will be in place on the day with temporary signage advising motorist of alternative routes. Parking will be provided at North Main Street and St. Finbarr’s multi storey car parks (at hourly rates less than on-street parking rates), and the Old Distillery car park (at the end of North Mall).
“The Mercy Hospital is delighted to be part of this community initiative. The commitment and willingness shown by so many parties to give up their time in a voluntary capacity to support the event has been exceptional and shines a very positive spotlight on the level of talent, generosity and community spirit that is alive and well today in the Middle Parish”.