14 August 2021
By Mary Bermingham
Fine Gael Senator Tim Lombard has said that Cork will receive a total of €320,000 to support the enhancement of streetscapes and shopfronts in rural towns and villages.
The Streetscape Enhancement Initiative fund from Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, will provide funding to property owners to improve the facades of their buildings and will be a great boost for local communities in Cork.
The Streetscape Enhancement Initiative is a key part of the Our Rural Future campaign and will make rural towns and villages more attractive places to live, work and visit. There is a national fund of €7 million and allocations are based on the number of towns and villages in each county.
Senator Lombard said,
“Funding of €320K for Cork towns and villages will support our communities becoming more colourful, vibrant and attractive places. Projects will include upgrades to building facades, artwork, murals, lighting, street furniture and canopies.
“Other projects across Cork will include the commissioning of murals in towns and villages, the provision of street planting, shrubbery, trees and flowers boxes and the illumination and lighting of architectural features. It also includes the installation of canopies and street furniture which will contribute to the great work done by many bar and restaurant owners this summer.
“Collaboration and strategic thinking will form a key part of this initiative; Local Authorities will work with businesses and property owners, and we’ll also see strategic collaboration between property owners themselves to paint buildings or shopfronts in vibrant colours.”
Announcing the new initiative today, Minister Humphreys said, “We have all seen the huge success of towns across the country who have put a major focus on improving their streetscapes by painting buildings in vibrant colours, upgrading and restoring their traditional shopfronts and removing unnecessary clutter from their main streets.
“Outdoor Dining is here to stay, and I believe that will only be a positive for towns and villages across the country. Through this fund, we want to make sure that people are looking out at vibrant, colourful and welcoming streets in our rural towns.”

Cork Senator Tim Lombard
How much money?
Grant funding will be provided at the following rates:
• 70% for Individual premises – matched funding 30%
• 80% for Joint applications (groups of 3 or more adjacent premises) – matched funding 20%
• 100% – Where painting is undertaken by direct labour by the applicant
Eligible works
Eligible works under the Streetscape Enhancement Measure include the following:
Painting of building/shopfront in carefully selected colours which will complement the host building and streetscape.
Upgrade / restoration of traditional shopfront facades.
Murals (to be agreed in advance with Local Authority)
Green enhancement of entrances/ terraces with planting
Decluttering and repair of shopfronts. (Decluttering can include such works as removing unnecessary signs, flagpoles, wiring etc.)
Careful illumination and lighting of architectural features of buildings.
Canopies/Awnings complementary to the materials of the shopfront and building (including street furniture).
Replacement of signage with traditional wooden fascia with wooden/hand painted lettering
Contemporary design Improvements to shopfront window displays and staging.