14 September 2021
By Tom Collins

News from Carrigaline – the largest town in County Cork (Population wise). Thanks to Barry Cogan for the bulk of this week’s article.
Pride of Place
The adjudicators for this year’s All Ireland Pride of Place competition visited County Hall last Monday to meet and interview the Carrigaline Tidy Towns members representing Cork County in the All Ireland final. Due to Covid-19 no physical adjudication took place and each town in the competition was asked to make a video and make a presentation to the judges. Tidy Town’s Chairman Liam O’Connor gave an overview on the overhead presentation of Carrigaline town and all changes and advancements that have taken place there over the years. Liam, Maura Allen, Hon Secretary and Barry Cogan PRO were then interviewed by the adjudicators. Also in attendance from Carrigaline Municipal District were Chairperson, Mr. Marcia Dalton, and Senior Executive Officer Carol Conway and Aileen Walsh, Pride of Place Officer, CCC.
Sculpture Unveiling
The Pottery commemorative sculpture commissioned by Carrigaline Tidy Towns, supported by Cork County Council, designed and created by Mick Wilkins will be unveiled in the Owenabue parklet on Culture Night. The ceremony will take place between 7.00pm and 8.00pm in the parklet in the Owenabue car park.
Pipe Band
The Carrigaline Pipe Band are really looking forward to playing in public for the first time since 2019 when they perform for Culture Night this Friday. The renowned Pipe Band celebrating 75 years needs two ingredients to keep pipe music alive for the public, more new members and opportunities to perform in public. The Band will be starting classes for beginners shortly, call to the Band Hall any Thursday night at 7.00pm.
Men’s Shed
The Carrigaline Men’s Shed have a busy weekend lined up helping out with stewards for Culture Night on Friday and the Lions Club Great Railway cycle on Saturday.
The Men’s Shed walking group had no walk this week as it was a wash out on Monday morning. The Shed Choir continues practice every Tuesday morning outdoors and will perform at the Shed for Culture Night at 2.30pm. New members welcome Roger Morrissey 087 220 3547.
Country Markets
Since the reopening of the schools business has greatly increased at the Friday weekly Country Market in the Band Hall. Customers arrive from 8.30am until 10.30am to avail of the wide selection of homegrown and homemade produce. With the increased demand the market is looking for new suppliers especially bakers. Enquiries 087 132 9744.
Active Retired
Carrigaline Active Retired will resume activities in the Lions Youth Centre on Church Road commencing on Thursday September 16th. Please bring facemask and Covid Cert. New members welcome.
Legion of Mary Centenary Celebrations
Members of the Carrigaline praesidium of the Legion of Mary attended the Centenary celebration Mass at the Cathedral of St Mary and St Anne on Tuesday evening last September 7th. They joined with the many Legionaries from around the diocese celebrating the centenary of the founding of the Legion of Mary by Frank Duff on September 7th 1921. Bishop Fintan Gavin who celebrated the Mass welcomed all the members of the Legion and praised them for their continued prayer and commitment. The Bishop said “as followers of Christ, we have a duty to spread the word of God and the Legion of Mary plays an important and active role in evangelisation”.
Trees Replanted
To facilitate pipe laying to the main sewer in Mount Rivers from the new housing development on Ferney Road a large number of trees were removed from the embankment on Cherry Blossom Road. The trees have been replanted in a temporary location and will be transferred back and planted again when the pipework is done and the land landscaped. Tidy Towns have a further tree planting campaign planned for next November.
Douglas Comhaltas classes for beginners will commence in Gaelscoil na Dúglaise on Thursday September 30th. Enrolment for the beginner in person classes in many traditional instruments can be made online. All ongoing classes continue on zoom on Wednesday nights. The adult grupa session will still be held in the open air at Blackrock Pier on Thursdays from 7.30pm to 9.30pm while the weather lasts.