23 December 2024
By Elaine Murphy
The United Dioceses of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross will hold over 200 services throughout the 12 Days of Christmas and the days leading up to the Christmas Festival.
The following list gives details of church services in the parishes and chaplaincies across the diocese. The list is organised by parish/location. If you would like to see a list organised by date/festival please visit the Cork COI website.

Abbeystrewry (Skibbereen)
Sunday 22nd December ~ Fourth Sunday of Advent
8.30am Eucharist in Abbeystrewry Church, Skibbereen
4.00pm Carol service in Abbeystrewry Church
Tuesday 24th December ~ Christmas Eve
4.00pm Family Crib Service in Abbeystrewry Church, Skibbereen
11.30pm Eucharist in Abbeystrewry Church, Skibbereen.
Wednesday 25th December ~ Christmas Day
9.00am Eucharist in St. Barrahane’s, Castletownshend
10.00am Eucharist in St. Matthew’s, Baltimore
10.15am Eucharist in St. Mary’s, Caheragh
11.30am Eucharist in Abbeystrewry Church, Skibbereen
Thursday 26th December ~ St Stephen’s Day
10.30am Eucharist in Abbeystrewry Church, Skibbereen.
Friday 27th December ~ The Feast of St John the Evangelist
10.30am Eucharist in Abbeystrewry Church, Skibbereen.
Sunday 29th December ~ The First Sunday of Christmas
8.30am Eucharist in Abbeystrewry Church, Skibbereen
11.30am Eucharist in Abbeystrewry Church, Skibbereen
Wednesday 1st January ~ The Naming and Circumcision of Jesus
10.30am Eucharist in Abbeystrewry Church
Sunday 5th January/Monday 6th January ~ The Epiphany
8.30am Eucharist in Abbeystrewry Church, Skibbereen
10.00am Eucharist in St. Barrahane’s, Castletownshend
10.00am Eucharist in St. Mary’s, Caheragh
11.30am Eucharist in Abbeystrewry Church, Skibbereen
Sunday 22nd December ~ Fourth Sunday of Advent
11.00am United Service of Nine Lessons and Carols, St Matthew’s, Aughadown
Tuesday 24th December ~ Christmas Eve
4.00pm Children’s Crib Service, St Matthews’s, Aughadown
11.30pm Eucharist United Service, St Matthias’s, Ballydehob
Wednesday 25th December ~ Christmas Day
10.00am Eucharist, St Matthew’s, Aughadown
11.30am Eucharist, St Matthias, Ballydehob
Sunday 29th December ~ The First Sunday of Christmas
11.00am United Service of the Word, St Matthias, Ballydehob
Sunday 22nd December ~ Fourth Sunday of Advent
11.00am Family Nativity Service, St Peter’s Church, Bandon
Tuesday 24th December ~ Christmas Eve
12noon Christ Church, Innishannon
9.00pm St Peter’s Church, Bandon
Wednesday 25th December ~ Christmas Day
9.00am Ballinadee
10.00am Rathclaren
10.30am Brinny
11.30am Bandon
11.45am Innishannon
Sunday 29th December ~ The First Sunday of Christmas
11.00am United Carol Service, St Peter’s Church, Bandon
Sunday 5th January
9.00am Ballinadee Morning Prayer
10.00am Rathclaren Eucharist 1
10.30am Brinny Morning Prayer
11.30am Bandon Eucharist
11.45am Innishannon Morning Prayer
Monday 6th January ~ The Epiphany
11.00am Eucharist, St Peter’s Church, Bandon
Sunday 22nd December ~ Fourth Sunday of Advent
11am Morning Prayer, St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline (live-streamed)
4pm Service of Nine Lessons & Carols, St John’s Church, Monkstown
Tuesday 24th December ~ Christmas Eve
4pm Carols around the Crib Service, St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline
11pm First Eucharist of the Nativity, St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline
Wednesday 25th December ~ Christmas Day
9:30am Holy Communion, St John’s Church, Monkstown
11am Holy Communion, St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline (live-streamed)
Sunday 29th December ~ The First Sunday of Christmas
11am United Christingle Service , St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline (live-Streamed)
Wednesday 1st January ~ The Naming and Circumcision of Jesus
10:30am Holy Communion, St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline
Sunday 5th January
9:30am Holy Communion, St John’s Church, Monkstown
11am Holy Communion, St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline (live-streamed)
Monday 6th January ~ The Epiphany
10:30am Holy Communion, St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline
Live streaming is on the Carrigaline Union website
Carrigrohane and Ballincollig
Sunday 22nd December ~ Fourth Sunday of Advent
10.00am Holy Communion, St. Peter’s, Carrigrohane
11.00am Sunday AM, Carraig Centre (& online)
11.30 am Morning Prayer, St. Senan’s, Inniscarra
7.00pm Carol Service in St. Peter’s Church, Carrigrohane
Tuesday 24th December ~ Christmas Eve
11.00pm Holy Communion, St. Senan’s, Inniscarra
Wednesday 25th December ~ Christmas Day
10.00am Holy Communion, St. Peter’s, Carrigrohane
11.00am Sunday AM with Holy Communion, Carraig Centre (& online)
11.30am Holy Communion, The Church of the Resurrection, Blarney
Sunday 29th December ~ The First Sunday of Christmas
11.30am United Celebration with Christingle, The Church of the Resurrection, Blarney
Sunday 5th January ~ The Epiphany
10.00am Holy Communion, St. Peter’s, Carrigrohane
11.00am Sunday AM with bring & share lunch, Carraig Centre (& online)
11.30am Holy Communion, The Church of the Resurrection, Blarney
Cloyne and Midleton
Sunday 22nd December ~ Fourth Sunday of Advent
9.15am Morning Prayer, St Michael and all Angels, Corkbeg
10.30am Eucharist, St John the Baptist, Midleton
7.00pm Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, St Colman’s Cathedral, Cloyne
Tuesday 24th December ~ Christmas Eve
8.00pm Eucharist, St Colman’s Cathedral, Cloyne
11.00pm Eucharist, East Ferry
Wednesday 25th December ~ Christmas Day
9.00am Eucharist, St Michael and All Angels, Corkbeg
10.30am Eucharist, St John the Baptist, Midleton
Sunday 29th December ~ The First Sunday of Christmas
10.30am United Service, St John the Baptist, Midleton
Sunday 5th January ~ The Epiphany
9.15am Morning Prayer, East Ferry
10.30am Eucharist, St John the Baptist, Midleton
12noon Morning Prayer, St Colman’s Cathedral, Cloyne
Cobh and Glanmire
Sunday 22nd December ~ Fourth Sunday of Advent
10.00am Holy Eucharist 2, Christ Church, Cobh
11.30am Holy Eucharist 2, St Lappan’s Church, Little Island
4.00pm Service of Lessons and Carols (with the Clerks), Christ Church, Cobh
Monday, 23rd December
7.00 pm ‘Blue Christmas’/Longest Night Service, Christ Church, Cobh
This service is intended for those experiencing grief, pain and loss during the holidays.
Tuesday 24th December ~ Christmas Eve
7.30pm United Service of Holy Communion, St Lappan’s Church, Little Island
Wednesday 25th December ~ Christmas Day
10.00am Holy Eucharist 2, Christ Church, Cobh
11.30am Holy Eucharist 2, St Lappan’s Church, Little Island
Sunday 29th December ~ The First Sunday of Christmas
10.30am United Service of the Word for All Ages, St Lappan’s Little Island
4.00pm Casual Christmas Carol Sing-a-long, Christ Church, Cobh
Wednesday 1st January ~ The Naming and Circumcision of Jesus
10.30am Holy Eucharist 2, Christ Church, Cobh
Sunday 5th January ~ The Epiphany
10.00am Holy Eucharist 2, Christ Church, Cobh
11.30am Holy Eucharist 2, St Lappan’s Church, Little Island
Cork – St Anne’s, Shandon
Sunday 22nd December ~ Fourth Sunday of Advent
10.15am Holy Communion
Wednesday 25th December ~ Christmas Day
10.15am Holy Communion
Sunday 29th December ~ The First Sunday of Christmas
10.15am Morning Prayer
Sunday 5th January ~ The Epiphany
10.15am Holy Communion
Cork – St Fin Barre’s Cathedral
Tuesday 24th December ~ Christmas Eve
12 noon The Eucharist (said, in the Deans’ Chapel)
4.00pm Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
Wednesday 25th December ~ Christmas Day
11.15am Festal Choral Eucharist of the Nativity
Thursday 26th December – The Feast of Saint Stephen
12 noon The Eucharist (said, in the Deans’ Chapel)
Friday 27th December ~ The Feast of Saint John the Evangelist
12 noon The Eucharist (said, in the Deans’ Chapel)
Saturday 28th December ~ The Feast of the Holy Innocents
12 noon The Eucharist (said, in the Deans’ Chapel)
Sunday 29th December ~ The First Sunday of Christmas
11.15am The Eucharist (said, with hymns)
Wednesday 1st January ~ The Naming and Circumcision of Jesus
12 noon The Eucharist (said, in the Deans’ Chapel)
Sunday 5th January ~ Eve of the Epiphany
11.15am Festal Choral Eucharist
3.30pm Festal Choral Evensong
Monday 6th January ~ The Epiphany
12 noon The Eucharist (said, in the Deans’ Chapel)
Live streamed services are available on
Cork – Chapel of Christ the Healer, Cork University Hospital
Sunday 22nd December ~ Fourth Sunday of Advent
9.15am Eucharist
Wednesday 25th December ~ Christmas Day
9.15am The Blessing of the Crib and Eucharist
Sunday 29th December ~ The First Sunday of Christmas
9.15am Eucharist
Douglas Union with Frankfield
For service times please contact the local clergy here.
Fanlobbus (Dunmanway)
Sunday 22nd December ~ Fourth Sunday of Advent
11.00am Christmas Crib Service, St Mary’s Church, Dunmanway
Tuesday 24th December ~ Christmas Eve
4.00pm Christmas Crib Service, St Mary’s Church, Dunmanway
9.00pm Eucharist, Christ Church, Drinagh
11.00pm Eucharist, St Edmund’s Church, Coolkelure
Wednesday 25th December ~ Christmas Day
9.45am Eucharist, St Matthew’s Church, Drimoleague
11.00am Eucharist, St Mary’s Church, Dunmanway
Sunday 29th December ~ The First Sunday of Christmas
11.00am United Service with Methodist Church, St Matthew’s Church, Drimoleague
Sunday 5th January ~ The Epiphany
9.45am Eucharist, Christ Church, Drinagh
11.00am Eucharist, St Mary’s Church, Dunmanway
12.15pm Eucharist, St Matthew’s Church, Drimoleague
For service times please contact the local clergy here.
Kilgarriffe (Clonakilty)
For service times please contact the local clergy here.
Kilmocomogue (Bantry)
Sunday 22nd December ~ Fourth Sunday of Advent
10.00am Holy Communion, Bantry (St. Brendan the Navigator)
8.00pm Bantry Community Carol Service, Bantry (St. Brendan the Navigator)
Tuesday 24th December ~ Christmas Eve
8.00pm Bantry, Holy Communion, Bantry (St. Brendan the Navigator)
Wednesday 25th December ~ Christmas Day
10.00am Holy Communion, Bantry (St. Brendan the Navigator)
11.45am Holy Communion, Durrus (St. James)
Sunday 29th December ~ The First Sunday of Christmas
10.00am Holy Communion, Bantry (St. Brendan the Navigator)
Sunday 5th January ~ The Epiphany
10.00am Holy Communion, Bantry (St. Brendan the Navigator)
Kilmoe (Schull)
Wednesday 25th December ~ Christmas Day
10.00am Holy Communion, Holy Trinity, Schull
11.30am Holy Communion, Altar Church
Sunday 29th December ~ The First Sunday of Christmas
11.30am Service of the Word, Altar Church
Sunday 5th January ~ The Epiphany
10.00am Holy Communion, Holy Trinity, Schull
11.30am Holy Communion, Altar Church
Tuesday 24th December ~ Christmas Eve
6.00pm Eucharist, St Bartholomew’s Church, Kinneigh
Wednesday 25th December ~ Christmas Day
9.00am Eucharist, Christ Church, Kilmeen
11.30am Eucharist, St Patricks Church, Farranthomas
Sunday 29th December ~ The First Sunday of Christmas
11.00am United Service, St Patrick’s Church, Farranthomas
Sunday 22nd December ~ Fourth Sunday of Advent
8.30am Eucharist, St Multose, Kinsale
10.00am Eucharist, Holy Trinity Church, Templetrine
6.00pm Ecumenical Service of Nine Lessons and Carols, St Multose, Kinsale
Tuesday 24th December ~ Christmas Eve
6.00pm Eucharist, Christ Church, Ballymartle
Wednesday 25th December ~ Christmas Day
8.30am Eucharist, St Multose, Kinsale
10.00am Eucharist, Holy Trinity Church, Templetrine
11.30am Eucharist, St Multose, Kinsale
Sunday 29th December ~ The First Sunday of Christmas
11.30am Morning Prayer, St Multose, Kinsale
Sunday 5th January ~ The Epiphany
8.30am Eucharist, St Multose, Kinsale
10.00am Morning Prayer, Christ Church, Ballymartle
11.30am Celebration of Nollaig na Mban, St Multose, Kinsale
Sunday 22nd December ~ Fourth Sunday of Advent
10.30am Morning Worship, St Mary’s, Doneraile
11.45am Eucharist, St James’s, Mallow
3.00pm Christmas Carols Service, St Mary’s, Castletownroche
Tuesday 24th December ~ Christmas Eve
8.00pm Eucharist, St James’s, Mallow
11.15pm Eucharist, St Mary’s, Doneraile
Wednesday 25th December ~ Christmas Day
9.45am Festival Eucharist, St Mary’s, Castletownroche
11.30am Festival Eucharist, St James’s, Mallow
Sunday 29th December ~ The First Sunday of Christmas
3.00pm Christmas Carol Service, St Mary’s, Doneraile
Sunday 5th January ~ The Epiphany
10.00am Morning Services in St Mary’s, Catletownroche andSt Mary’s, Doneraile
4.00pm Christingle Celebration, St Jame’s, Mallow
Moviddy (Kilbonane, Templemartin and Kilmurry)
Sunday 22nd December ~ Fourth Sunday of Advent
7.30pm Ecumenical Service of Nine Lessons and Carols, St. Mark’s Church, Kilbonane
Tuesday 24th December ~ Christmas Eve
10.00pm Eucharist, St. Mark’s Church, Kilbonane
Wednesday 25th December ~ Christmas Day
09.45am Eucharist, St. Martin’s Church, Templemartin
11.30am Eucharist, St. Andrew’s Church, Kilmurry
Sunday 29th December ~ The First Sunday of Christmas
11.00am Joint Service in St. Mark’s, Kilbonane
Wednesday 1st January ~ Naming and Circumcision of Christ
11.00am Eucharist, St. Mark’s Church, Kilbonane
Sunday 5th January ~ The Epiphany
09.45am Eucharist, St. Martin’s Church, Templemartin
11.30am Eucharist, St. Andrew’s Church, Kilmurry
Tuesday 24th December ~ Christmas Eve
9.00pm Eucharist, Myross Church, Union Hall
11.00pm Eucharist, Castleventry Church
Wednesday 25th December ~ Christmas Day
8.00am Eucharist, St Fachnta’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery
10.00am Eucharist, Leap Church
11.30am Eucharist, St Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery
Templebreedy (Crosshaven)
Sunday 22nd December ~ Fourth Sunday of Advent
8.30am Eucharist, Holy Trinity, Crosshaven
10.00am Morning Prayer, Nohoval Church
11.30am Morning Prayer, Holy Trinity, Crosshaven
Tuesday 24th December ~ Christmas Eve
11.30pm Eucharist, Holy Trinity, Crosshaven
Wednesday 25th December ~ Christmas Day
10.00am Eucharist, Nohoval Church
11.30am Eucharist, Holy Trinity, Crosshaven
Thursday 26th December ~ St Stephen’s Day
10.00am Morning Prayer, Holy Trinity, Crosshaven
Friday 27th December ~ The Feast of St John the Evangelist
10.00am Morning Prayer, Holy Trinity, Crosshaven
Saturday 28th December ~ The Feast of the Holy Innocents
10.00am Morning Prayer, Holy Trinity, Crosshaven
Sunday 29th December ~ The First Sunday of Christmas
8.30am Eucharist, Holy Trinity, Crosshaven
10.00am Eucahrist, Nohoval Church
11.30am Eucharist, Holy Trinity, Crosshaven
Wednesday 1st January ~ The Naming and Circumcision of Jesus
10.00am Morning Prayer, Holy Trinity, Crosshaven
Sunday 5th January ~ The Epiphany
8.30am Eucharist, Holy Trinity, Crosshaven
10.00am Eucharist, Nohoval Church
11.30am Eucharist, Holy Trinity, Crosshaven
Sunday 22nd December ~ Fourth Sunday of Advent:
11.30am Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, St. Mary’s Collegiate Church, Youghal
Tuesday 24th December ~ Christmas Eve
11.00pm Eucharist, St. Mary’s Collegiate Church, Youghal
Wednesday 25th December ~ Christmas Day
10.00am Eucharist, St. Anne’s, Castlemartyr
11.30am Eucharist, St. Mary’s Collegiate Church, Youghal
Sunday 29th December ~ First Sunday of Christmas
11.30am Carols for Christmas and the New Year, St. Mary’s Collegiate church, Youghal
Sunday 5th January ~ Feast of the Epiphany
10.00am Eucharist, St. Anne’s, Castlemartyr
11.30am Eucharist, St. Mary’s Collegiate Church, Youghal