5 June 2012
By Elaine Murphy

Business News
Cork businessman David O’Sullivan has launched an innovative travelling/mobile service for his role as a Commissioner for Oaths.
The service makes life easier for anybody who needs to have legal documentation witnessed/executed.
On the website, David wrote: “You may have a document that needs the signature from a Commissioner of Oaths, Peace Commissioner, Practising Solicitor, Notary Public, or similar. It could be an Affidavit or Statutory Declaration perhaps. There are many different types of documents that exist. With one phone call or email, you could have the job done today – and in the convenience of your own home or place of work – because I now offer a mobile service. Full details are on my website CommissionerForOaths.ie”
“The service also operates in evenings and weekends, which again is convenient. It is available throughout Cork City and suburbs, and further into Co Cork if required.”