22 January 2020
By Bryan Smyth
Cork Quadruplets celebrate 18th birthday with midwives and doctors at Cork University Maternity Hospital
The Murphy quadruplets from Cork came to Cork University Maternity Hospital today, their 18th birthday, to meet with the doctors and midwives who delivered them.

Cork Quads celebrate 18th birthday with midwives and doctors at Cork University Maternity Hospital, Professor John R. Higgins, Consultant Gynaecologist CUMH with Katie, Kellie, Amy and Shauna Murphy and there parents Pat and Brenda from Riverstick on there 18th birthday.Pictures Gerard McCarthy 087 8537228 More Info contact Donna Burtchaell, Communications Project Manager,Ireland South Women & Infants Directorate

Cork Quads celebrate 18th birthday with midwives and doctors at Cork University Maternity Hospital, Professor John R. Higgins, Consultant Gynaecologist CUMH with Katie, Kellie, Amy and Shauna Murphy from Riverstick on there 18th birthday. Pictures Gerard McCarthy
Kellie, Katie, Shauna and Amy Murphy visited with their parents Patrick and Brenda Murphy from Riverstick, Cork. A number of the original team of 45 expert staff, led by Professor John R. Higgins, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, were on hand to celebrate this milestone birthday with them. They had not met the girls since they were born, 18 years ago. The girls were presented with a giant birthday cake and balloons to mark the occasion.
The quadruplets were born by caesarean section, 13 weeks premature, in the Erinville Hospital on 22 January 2002. Maternity services in the Erinville transferred to Cork University Maternity Hospital, along with the St. Finbarr’s Maternity Hospital and the Bon Secour Maternity Hospital in 2007.
The girls are currently in their Leaving Cert year at Kinsale Community School.
Returning to meet the staff was a moving experience for mother Brenda Murphy, who was full of praise for their expertise and support at the time.
Professor John R. Higgins, Clinical Director of Cork University Maternity Hospital and Ireland South Women & Infants Directorate commented, ”I am delighted on behalf of everyone at Cork University Maternity Hospital to welcome Kellie, Katie, Shauna and Amy Murphy on their 18th birthday. They are now happy and healthy, young adults, each with different aspirations and talents and great opportunities ahead of them. We wish them the best of luck for the future.”