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Category / GREEN PARTY
9 January 2016 By Elaine Murphy elaine@TheCork.ie The Green Party have confirmed the names of their candidates in Cork The candidates are: Lorna Bogue, Cork South Central Natasha Harty, Cork East Cormac Manning, Cork North West Oliver Moran, Cork North Central Johnny O’Mahony, Cork South West Eamon Ryan, leader of the Green Party, will speak... Read More
6 December 2015, 9.36pm By Tom Collins tom@TheCork.ie The Green Party candidate for Cork North Central, Oliver Moran, tonight expressed his concern for all affected by Storm Desmond and condemned Labour and Fine Gael’s approach to climate change. Mr Moran told TheCork.ie “The EPA is the state body responsible for environmental protection. In 2013, it... Read More
4 December 2015 By Bryan Smyth bryan@TheCork.ie The last meeting of 2015 for the Cork City Joint Policing Committee Will take place on Monday (7th December 2015) at 2 pm in the Council Chamber, City Hall, Cork. The JPC is a forum where Senior Gardai interact with elected City Councillors. Routine reports presented include a... Read More
29 November 2015, Sunday By Bryan T. Smyth bryan@TheCork.ie Green Party candidate for Cork North Central, Oliver Moran, marched this afternoon with hundreds of Cork residents at the People’s Climate Change March in Cork. Speaking after the march, Moran said: “It’s great that so many Cork citizens turned out to demonstrate on a rainy day.... Read More
14 June 2015, Sunday By Bryan T. Smyth bryan@TheCork.ie bryan@TheCork.ie I remember well the negotiations last year (2014) over who would become Lord Mayor of Cork City. Talks, and more talks At the time – as a Journalist – I was contacted by many candidates looking to provide statesman like quotes in order to bolster... Read More