18 December 2019
By Mary Bermingham
Irish Water recently held an information evening to discuss planned upgrades to the Coachford and Dripsey wastewater treatment plants and give the local communities an opportunity to learn more about the delivery of these two projects. The information evening was held on Monday, 9th December at Coachford National School. Irish Water would like to thank all of those who came along to meet our project team that evening.

Irish Water held an information event in Coachford, Co. Cork on 9th December 2019 on the Coachford, Innishannon, Ballyvourney/Ballymakeera and Dripsey sewerage scheme upgrades. This project will deliver new wastewater treatment plants in each of the four areas, as well as upgrades to the sewer infrastructure in the villages. Pictured were Alan Hurley of Nicholas O’Dwyer Consultant Engineers; Seamus Glynn of Irish Water and Aindrias Moynihan TD. Pic Daragh Mc Sweeney/Provision

Pictured Brian Corbett of Nicholas O’Dwyer Consultant Engineers and Cllr Gobnait Moynihan.
Pic Daragh Mc Sweeney/Provision

Pictured at the event are: Cllr Gobnait Moynihan, Eoin Morton of Irish Water, Aindrias Moynihan TD, Cllr Eileen Lynch, Roisin Bradford of Irish Water, Cllr Kevin Murphy, Cllr Michael Looney, Cllr Michael Creed, Cllr Ted Lucey, Gareth O’Brien of Irish Water, Eoin Lynch of Cork County Council and Seamus Glynn of Irish Water – Southern Region Infrastructure Lead. Pic Daragh Mc Sweeney/Provision