24 August 2020
By Bryan Smyth
A Cork-based company is providing contactless water dispensers to businesses nationwide in a bid to help combat Covid-19 as workplaces and schools prepare to reopen.

Richie Madden, of Aquafria with the Touch Free machine – the first contactless water dispenser brought to market in Ireland
Richie Madden, CEO of Aquafria said “I have 180 of these dispensers in our warehouse in Glanmire. They arrived over from Italy last week. I think the only way forward for us as a business now is to go contactless. The coronavirus isn’t going away any time soon and I think it’s going to make everyone rethink what’s safe and hygienic in the workplace into the future.”
The Aquafria Touch Free dispenser has a sensor that detects movement, allowing people to turn on and off the water tap without ever touching it. It also has a UV light at the end of the tap, which acts as a steriliser.
Aquafria Ltd. was established by Richie Madden in 2009 after a long career in the water industry. The company now has some 700 customers in the private and public sectors in Ireland.
Aquafria is offering a free trial to any business with a pre-existing water mains connection. The Aquafria Touch Free is available to rent for 12 months at a cost of €595 including installation and maintenance. All Aquafria technicians have received Covid compliance training.
To find out more visit aquafria.ie