14 October 2020
By Mary Bermingham
Cork County Council has been shortlisted in 11 categories in the seventeenth annual Chambers Ireland Excellence in Local Government Awards 2020.
The Excellence in Local Government Awards 2020 (ELG Awards), sponsored by the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government, are held to recognise and celebrate the outstanding work being carried out by local authorities all over Ireland.
Cork County Council’s nominated projects include Housing Infrastructure Services Company (HISCo) for Local Authority Innovation, Community Contract Initiative with Kinsale Tidy Towns for Supporting Sustainable Communities, Cork County Council Community Wellbeing Initiative for Health and Wellbeing, Cork County Business and Tourism Awards for Promoting Economic Development, Harper’s Island Wetlands for Sustainable Environment, Full STEAM Ahead: Delivering Digital Opportunities to Rural Communities for Best Library Service, Cork Young Filmmakers for Sustaining the Arts, Leap Scarecrow Festival for Festival of the Year, Activating County Towns for Initiative through the Municipal Districts, West Cork Graveyards Project for Heritage and Built Environment and Castlemartyr Footbridge Scheme for Disability Services Provision.
The Excellence in Local Government Awards feature 16 categories, showcasing best practice in local government and recognising the skills, hard work, innovation and enthusiasm within this sector that can often go unrecognised. This year over 80 projects across Ireland have been shortlisted.
Mayor of the County of Cork Cllr. Mary Linehan Foley welcomed the award nominations;
“I would like to applaud all who have helped deliver these projects and congratulate their success. It is a fantastic achievement to have so many projects shortlisted for this year’s Excellence in Local Government awards. The shortlisted projects demonstrate the diverse nature of work that Cork County Council is committed to delivering to the public and the strong partnerships that have been built with the community.”
Chief Executive of Cork County Council, Tim Lucey added;
“It is a fantastic achievement for Cork County Council to have 11 projects shortlisted out of a total of 80 this year. It shows the hard work and dedication by all those who brought these projects to fruition, in delivering high end services and supports across our communities. The projects nominated are examples of the commitment and enthusiasm of everyone involved to help deliver significant improvements to the people of Cork County. These projects help to strengthen our communities and support businesses and individuals.”
This year’s awards ceremony will be held online on Thursday 26th November 2020.