3 September 2021
By Elaine Murphy
A flute quartet has become the first music group to perform in the new bandstand at Carrigaline Community Park. The amenity was officially opened on Sunday, 29th August by Councillor Marcia D’Alton, Chair of Carrigaline Municipal District.
‘Hifilutin’ entertained those present with a wide-ranging repertoire from Mozart to Mary Poppins. The event was part of Cork County Council’s ‘Cork Co Co Pops’ series, which includes more than 120 live outdoor performances taking place across the county throughout August and September, funded by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media’s Local Live Performance Programming Scheme.
The bandstand is the brainchild of the local Project ACT Town Team and is part funded by the Town & Village Accelerated Measures Fund 2020. The ACT or ‘Activating County Towns’ group is made up of Council staff, elected members and representatives from An Garda Síochána, Carrigaline Tidy Towns, Carrigaline Business Association, Carrigaline Community Association, Carrigaline ‘My Town My Plan’ group and older people’s representatives.
Councillor Marcia D’Alton, Chair of Carrigaline Municipal District welcomed the new addition to Carrigaline, “This fabulous new resource in Carrigaline will be a highly visible focal point in the community and will provide for farmers markets, musical events, community group meetings, and more. It will aid in the social and economic recovery of Carrigaline town post Covid 19 by enhancing the Community Park, thus encouraging more visitors to enjoy the amenity and increasing footfall to Carrigaline Town. It came about as a suggestion from Michael Wall who is a member of the Carrigaline Community Association and a community representative on the Project ACT Town Team.”
Deputy Chief Executive of Cork County Council, James Fogarty added “The new bandstand is a wonderful example of Project ACT Town Teams in action, transforming public spaces across the Cork County. This group is one of 23 that were formed in the county last year in response to the Covid-19 crisis and is focused on rebuilding the economy and community life in Carrigaline. We want Carrigaline to be a vibrant place to work and live and believe the best way to achieve this is by working in partnership with those who know it best.”

Pictured are, back row, from left: Cllr. Seamus McGrath; Cllr. Ben Dalton O’Sullivan; Barry Cogan and Adrian O’Herlihy, Carrigaline Business Association; Front, from left: Carol Conway, Carrigaline Municipal District Officer, Cork County Council; Cllr. Marcia D’Alton and Cllr Liam O’Connor.
Pic: Brian Lougheed

Pic: Brian Lougheed

Cllr. Marcia D’Alton performing the cutting of the ribbon at the opening of the bandstand.
Pic: Brian Lougheed