11 April 2022
By Mary Bermingham
Pictured at the opening of Parklife: Biodiversity in Contemporary Irish Art. Curated by the Glucksman curatorial team in association with UCC’s Environmental Research Institute. https://www.glucksman.org/exhibitions/parklife

Dr. Jean Van Sinderen-Law, Associate Vice President of UCC and Belinda Lehrell, Carrigadrohid, Co. Cork pictured at the opening of Parklife: Biodiversity in Contemporary Irish Art. Curated by the Glucksman curatorial team in association with UCC’s Environmental Research Institute. https://www.glucksman.org/exhibitions
Picture: Alison Miles /OSM PHOTO

John O’Halloran, President of UCC and Fiona Kearney, Director of The Glucksman pictured at the opening of Parklife: Biodiversity in Contemporary Irish Art. Curated by the Glucksman curatorial team in association with UCC’s Environmental Research Institute. https://www.glucksman.org/exhibitions
Picture: Alison Miles /OSM PHOTO

John O’Halloran, President of UCC pictured at the opening of Parklife: Biodiversity in Contemporary Irish Art. Curated by the Glucksman curatorial team in association with UCC’s Environmental Research Institute. https://www.glucksman.org/exhibitions
Picture: Alison Miles /OSM PHOTO

Fiona Kearney, Director of The Glucksman pictured at the opening of Parklife: Biodiversity in Contemporary Irish Art. Curated by the Glucksman curatorial team in association with UCC’s Environmental Research Institute. https://www.glucksman.org/exhibitions
Picture: Alison Miles /OSM PHOTO

Jack Elsey, Essex UK; Emma Glynn, Ennis; Amber Broughton, Artist; Sinead Howard, Cork City; Liz and John O’Neill, Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork; Peter Howard, Cork City pictured at the opening of Parklife: Biodiversity in Contemporary Irish Art. Curated by the Glucksman curatorial team in association with UCC’s Environmental Research Institute. https://www.glucksman.org/exhibitions
Picture: Alison Miles /OSM PHOTO

Pictured at the opening of Parklife: Biodiversity in Contemporary Irish Art. Curated by the Glucksman curatorial team in association with UCC’s Environmental Research Institute. https://www.glucksman.org/exhibitions
Picture: Alison Miles /OSM PHOTO

Mercy Ekpo and Hugh Scannell, Ballintemple, Cork pictured at the opening of Parklife: Biodiversity in Contemporary Irish Art. Curated by the Glucksman curatorial team in association with UCC’s Environmental Research Institute. https://www.glucksman.org/exhibitions
Picture: Alison Miles /OSM PHOTO