4 October 2020
By Mary Bermingham

Ireland recently marked the 100th anniversary of 1916. Now we in the year of the 100th anniversary of 1920. Due to COVID19 many planned events were cancelled, but one Cork Cllr wants to make sure that built heritage is remembered and retained
Independent Northside Councillor, Ken O Flynn, has requested clarification from Cork City Council regarding all historical properties relating to the patriots of both the 1916 and the War of Independence.
Cllr. O’ Flynn stated that he found it “extremely upsetting to see the demolition of 40< Herbert Park, Dublin, in light of it’s historical significance”. However he did say that the powers that be, namely Dublin City Council and the Politian’s that are now “crying crocodile tears “could have done something in the last hundred years to preserve and mark this property for posterity.
“I think the important thing now, going forward” said Cllr. Kenneth O Flynn, “is that we ensure that all properties relating to patriotic figures throughout the city and county of Cork are insured, properly preserved and marked in a respectful manner to those patriots and their families.”
“I would ask that the City Manager would procure an entire list of these properties to ensure that these properties going forward would be marked for commemoration in a fitting manner” concluded Cllr. O Flynn.