11 November 2022
By Tom Collins
Option is now bookable online

Train Host, Alex Opel pictured onboard a Heuston to Cork service to mark the reintroduction of quieter carriages on this route. This carriage is now bookable online on Irishrail.ie. Picture Jason Clarke
Iarnród Éireann has introduced a quieter carriage on Heuston to Cork services from this week.
The quieter carriage is being reintroduced both to improve services for customers with sensory issues, and to provide choice to all customers, following public feedback.
The quiet carriage (carriage G) is now bookable online for the first time, and the carriage is clearly marked with quiet carriage purple branding when booking online and also on the outside of the carriage.
The quieter carriage is available on the following services:
Dublin to Cork Departure Times and Days of Week**
07:00 Monday – Saturday
09:00 Monday – Saturday
10:00 Sunday Only
11:00 Monday – Saturday
12:00 Sunday only
13:00 Monday to Sunday
15:00 Monday to Sunday
16:00 Sunday only
17:00 Monday to Sunday
19:00 Monday to Sunday
Cork to Dublin Departure Times and Days of Week**
07:00 Monday – Saturday
08:25 Sunday only
09:25 Monday – Saturday
10:25 Monday to Sunday
12:25 Monday to Sunday
13:25 Sunday only
14:25 Monday – Saturday
15:25 Sunday only
16:25 Monday to Sunday
18:25 Monday to Sunday
16:25 Monday – Saturday
19:25 Sunday only
20:25 Monday – Saturday
A spokesperson for Iarnród Éireann said:
“We are delighted to bring back the option of a quieter carriage on our Heuston to Cork services.
This quieter carriage will not only be popular with those who have sensory challenges, but also for those who wish to relax and enjoy their journey without excessive use of mobile phones or other devices, or who may have some work to do, which requires quietness.
Having trialled quieter carriages in the past, the addition on its reintroduction of clear branding during online booking, and on the train itself, means the choice for customers will be clear, and where quieter carriages are on operation will be well signalled for all.”