27 April 2023
By Tom Collins
Marketing News

Circle K operates over 15,000 convenience stores worldwide including those previously known as Topaz in Ireland.
The petrol and diesel retail brand ‘Circle K’ have a loyalty programme called ‘Play or Park’. Users collect points with each purchase, and can then enter monthly competitions on www.PlayOrPark.ie for a chance to win anything from a foreign holiday with spending money, to a years worth of petrol or diesel.
This month’s competition allows members to enter a competiion for ‘€10,000 in your pocket (or £ sterling equvilent)’. It’s proving so popular an error message currently appears on the site “This website is under heavy load (queue full) – we’re sorry too many people are accessing this website at the same time. We’re working on the problem”. Emails were sent to cardholders today reminding them of the deadline for entering, which is tomorrow at 5pm.
Back in February of this year the brand ran a similar competition called ‘Play to Win TODAY & win €10k cold, hard, cash!’
If you’re interested in learing more about ‘Play or Park’ then checkout this podcast where it was discussed in March 2020.