3 December 2023
By Elaine Murphy
Lord Mayor of Cork, Councillor Kieran McCarthy recently launched a new Physical Activity Amenity Scheme. Cork City Council and Cork Sports Partnership will support community groups and organisations in Cork City with introducing physical activity or improving facilities and amenities so that they can be used more for physical activity.
The scheme will see an investment of €225,000 to support existing community facilities with upgrades and enhancements to increase and enhance use from a physical activity perspective. Funding for the scheme has been secured through the Sports and Sustainability section of Cork City Council following agreement with the 5 Local Area Committees of Cork City Council, as well as through the Active Cities project being coordinated by Cork Sports Partnership.
Lord Mayor of Cork, Councillor Kieran McCarthy said “Communities are what make Cork City so great and the people that are working on the ground in these communities do tireless work to improve their surroundings.
Cork City Council are always working on ways to help these fantastic people and we feel that this scheme will achieve this. I encourage all community groups that are looking to broaden their horizons when it comes to physical activity to apply” Cork City Councils, David Walsh added “Accessibility is key to assisting communities to get active and its thought that The Physical Activity Amenity Scheme will build on the already great facilities we have in our city and help groups expand and offer a wide range of activities for all the community to get involved on their own doorstep”
The scheme will look to build the capacity of community facilities and amenities to increase access to, and provide more opportunities for, physical activity across Cork City. These facilities and amenities are key to the delivery of physical activity opportunities for people of all ages and abilities across the city.
This scheme will be coordinated and administered by Cork Sports Partnership in consultation and partnership with Cork City Council and will support community-owned non-commercial facilities in the city to enhance the physical activity offering provided for the community to be active.
These non-commercial community facilities will provide opportunities for their respective communities to be active through physical activity and cannot have received funding for items included in their application from any other scheme to date.

Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. Kieran McCarthy, launches the new Physical Activity Amenity Scheme. The scheme has been launched by Cork City Council and Cork Sports Partnership to support community groups and organisations in Cork City with introducing physical activity.
Maurice O Sullivan, Sport and Marketing Manager with Cork Sports Partnership, said ‘Cork Sports Partnership through the Active Cities project is looking forward to working with Cork City Council on this new physical activity amenity scheme. Active Cities is all about creating opportunities so that all citizens can lead healthier lifestyles in the context of sport and physical activity. Community facilities and amenities play a vital role in supporting and facilitating these opportunities and we look forward to supporting as many of them as possible through this scheme’.
For more information on the Cork City Physical Activity Amenity Scheme see https://www.corksports.ie/latest-news/cork-city-physical-activity-amenity-scheme-2023/