21 September 2017
By Elaine Murphy

While Texaco has a lesser and lesser presence in the Republic of Ireland (with many forecourts converting to other brands- such as Topaz) their much admired Art Competition holds a special place in the minds of many adults, who remember entering in their school days
Students from Cork city and county, with others from elsewhere in Munster, are to have their prizewinning entries from the Texaco Children’s Art Competition displayed in two exhibitions to be held simultaneously in Cork City Council libraries during the month of October.
Consisting of up to 50 artworks in total, divided between the two venues, one exhibition will take place at the Central Library on Grand Parade while the other will be housed in Hollyhill Library on Harbour View Road, Knocknaheeny.
Running from October 4th – 31st inclusive, the Central Library exhibition will open to the public from Monday to Saturday from 10am – 5.30pm while the Hollyhill Library exhibition will open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10am – 5.30pm.
All of the exhibits on show at the two venues were judged top prizewinners in the competition in recent years. Admission is free.

‘Button Tree’ by Cork student artist Seán O’Reilly (6) – second prize in the 6-years and under age category of the 2015 competition

‘Big Frog’ by Cork student artist Alastair Earley (11) – second prize in the 9-11 years age category of the 2007 competition

‘My Pet’ by Cork student artist Caroline Jones (15) – second prize in category G of the 2007 competition